Att Backup and Sync Keeps Telling Me Seeing Up Account Please Try Again Later


Accounts play a central role in Ethereum. At that place are two types of accounts: externally owned accounts (EOAs) and contract accounts. Here we focus on externally endemic accounts, which will exist referred to simply every bit accounts. Contract accounts will exist referred to equally contracts and are discussed in detail in Contracts. This generic notion of business relationship subsuming both externally endemic accounts and contracts is justified in that these entities are so called state objects. These entities accept a state: accounts have balance and contracts have both balance and contract storage. The land of all accounts is the land of the Ethereum network which is updated with every block and which the network really needs to achieve a consensus well-nigh. Accounts are essential for users to collaborate with the Ethereum blockchain via transactions.

If nosotros restrict Ethereum to only externally owned accounts and permit only transactions between them, we get in at an "altcoin" system that is less powerful than bitcoin itself and can merely be used to transfer ether.

Accounts stand for identities of external agents ( thousand., human personas, mining nodes or automated agents). Accounts utilize public key cryptography to sign transaction so that the EVM can securely validate the identity of a transaction sender.


Every account is defined past a pair of keys, a private fundamental and public central. Accounts are indexed past their address which is derived from the public key past taking the terminal xx bytes. Every private primal/address pair is encoded in a keyfile. Keyfiles are JSON text files which y'all can open up and view in any text editor. The disquisitional component of the keyfile, your account's private cardinal, is ever encrypted, and it is encrypted with the password you enter when you create the business relationship. Keyfiles are found in the keystore subdirectory of your Ethereum node'south data directory. Make sure you backup your keyfiles regularly! Run into the section Backup and restore accounts for more information.

Creating a primal is tantamount to creating an account.

  • You don't need to tell anybody else you're doing it
  • Yous don't demand to synchronize with the blockchain
  • You don't demand to run a client
  • You lot don't even need to be connected to the internet

Of course your new business relationship will non contain any Ether. But it'll be yours and y'all can be certain that without your key and your password, nobody else can always admission it.

It is safety to transfer the unabridged directory or whatsoever private keyfile between Ethereum nodes.


Note that in case you are adding keyfiles to your node from a unlike node, the order of accounts may modify. So make sure you practice non rely or change the alphabetize in your scripts or code snippets.

Creating an business relationship¶


Remember your passwords and :ref:`backup your keyfiles <fill-in-and-restore-accounts>`. In club to send transactions from an business relationship, including sending ether, you lot must have BOTH the keyfile and the countersign. Exist absolutely certain to have a re-create of your keyfile AND call up the password for that keyfile, and store them both as securely as possible. There are no escape routes hither; lose the keyfile or forget your password and all your ether is gone. Information technology is Non possible to access your business relationship without a password and there is no forgot my password pick here. Practice not forget it.

Using geth account new

One time you lot take the geth client installed, creating an account is simply a case of executing the geth account new command in a terminal.

Note that you practice not have to run the geth client or sync upward with the blockchain to employ the geth business relationship command.

$ geth account new    Your new account is locked with a countersign. Please give a countersign. Practice not forget this password.   Passphrase:   Echo Passphrase:   Address: {168bc315a2ee09042d83d7c5811b533620531f67}            

For non-interactive use y'all supply a plaintext countersign file as statement to the --password flag. The data in the file consists of the raw bytes of the password optionally followed past a single newline.

$ geth --countersign /path/to/password account new            


Using the --countersign flag is meant to be used only for testing or automation in trusted environments. Information technology is a bad idea to save your password to file or expose information technology in any other manner. If you practise use the --password flag with a countersign file, make sure the file is not readable or fifty-fifty listable for anyone but you. Y'all can achieve this in Mac/Linux systems with:

impact /path/to/password chmod 600 /path/to/password cat > /path/to/countersign >I type my laissez passer            

To list all the accounts with keyfiles currently in you lot're keystore folder use the list subcommand of the geth account control:

$ geth business relationship list  account #0: {a94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b} account #1: {c385233b188811c9f355d4caec14df86d6248235} account #2: {7f444580bfef4b9bc7e14eb7fb2a029336b07c9d}            

The filenames of keyfiles has the format UTC--<created_at UTC ISO8601>-<accost hex> . The order of accounts when list, is lexicographic, simply as a consequence of the timestamp format, it is actually social club of creation.

Using geth console¶

In social club to create a new account using geth, we must first start geth in panel mode (or you can use geth attach to attach a panel to an already running case):

> geth console 2>> file_to_log_output case: Geth/v1.four.0-unstable/linux/go1.5.1 coinbase: coinbase: [object Object] at cake: 865174 (Mon, 18 Jan 2016 02:58:53 GMT) datadir: /home/USERNAME/.ethereum            

The console allows you to interact with your local node past issuing commands. For case, try the command to list your accounts:

> eth.accounts  { code: -32000, message: "no keys in store" }            

This shows that you lot take no accounts. You can also create an account from the panel:

> personal.newAccount() Passphrase: Echo passphrase: "0xb2f69ddf70297958e582a0cc98bce43294f1007d"            


Remember to use a strong and randomly generated countersign.

Nosotros just created our commencement account. If we endeavor to list our accounts once again we can see our new account:

> eth.accounts ["0xb2f69ddf70297958e582a0cc98bce43294f1007d"]            

Using Mist Ethereum wallet¶

For the command line averse, there is now a GUI-based option for creating accounts: The "official" Mist Ethereum wallet. The Mist Ethereum wallet, and its parent Mist projection, are being developed under the auspices of the Ethereum Foundation, hence the "official" condition. Versions of the wallet app are available for Linux, Mac Os Ten, and Windows.


The Mist wallet is beta software. Please beware and employ it at your own risk.

Creating an account using the GUI Mist Ethereum wallet couldn't be easier. In fact, your offset account is created during the installation of the app.

  1. Download the latest version of the wallet app for your operating organization. Opening the Wallet App will kick off syncing a full copy of the Ethereum blockchain on your estimator, since you will in issue be running a full geth node.
  2. Unzip the downloaded folder and run the Ethereum-Wallet executable file.


  1. Expect for the blockchain to fully sync, then follow the instructions on the screen and your start account will be created.
  2. When yous launch the Mist Ethereum wallet for the first fourth dimension, you will see the business relationship you created during the installation process. By default it will be named MAIN ACCOUNT (ETHERBASE).


  1. Creating additional accounts is easy; just click on Add Account in the app's main screen and enter the required password.


The Mist wallet is withal in active development, so details of the steps outlined above may change with upgrades.

Creating a Multi-Signature Wallet in Mist¶

The Mist Ethereum wallet has an option to secure your wallet rest with a multisig wallet. The reward of using a multisig wallet is that information technology requires potency from more than than one account to withdrawal larger amounts from your balance. Earlier you lot tin can create a multisig wallet, yous'll need to create more than 1 account.

It'south very easy to create account files in Mist. In the 'Accounts' section click 'Add together Account'. Selection a stiff nevertheless easy-to-remember password (retrieve there is no countersign recovery selection), confirm it, and your business relationship is created. Create at least two accounts. Secondary accounts can be created on split up computers running Mist if you lot adopt (and theoretically make your multisig more than secure doing it this way). You only need the public keys (your deposit addresses) of your secondary accounts when creating the multisig wallet (re-create/paste them, do not always type them past hand). Your primary account volition be needed to create the multisig wallet contract, so it must be on the computer y'all are creating the multisig wallet on.

At present that you lot have your accounts setup, be safe and back them upwards (if your computer crashes, you will lose your balance if you practise not have a fill-in). Click 'Fill-in' in the top card. Choose the 'keystore' binder, reverse-click on it / choose 'copy' (do Not choose 'cut', that would be very bad). Navigate to your desktop, contrary-click in a blank area and choose 'paste'. You lot may want to rename this new copy of the 'keystore' binder to something similar 'Ethereum-keystore-fill-in-year-month-day' so yous have quick recognition of it later. At this betoken yous tin can so add the binder contents to a zip / rar file (and fifty-fifty countersign-protect the archive with another strong yet easy-to-remember countersign if backing upwards online), copy it to a USB Bulldoze, burn down it to a CD / DVD, or upload it to online storage (Dropbox / Google Drive / etc).

You at present should add approximately no less than 0.02 ETH to your main account (the account you volition initiate creation of a multisig wallet with). This is required for the transaction fee when yous create the multisig wallet contract. An additional ane ETH (or more) is also needed, because Mist currently requires this to assure wallet contract transactions have enough 'gas' to execute no less than about 1.02 ETH total for starters.

Y'all will exist entering the full addresses of all the accounts you lot are attaching to this multisig wallet, when you create it. I recommend copying / pasting each address into a evidently text editor (notepad / kedit / etc), after going to each business relationship'southward details page in Mist, and choosing 'copy accost' from the right-side cavalcade of buttons. Never blazon an address by hand, or you lot run a very high risk of typos and could lose your residue sending transactions to the incorrect accost.

We are now gear up to create the multisig wallet. Under 'Wallet Contracts', select 'Add Wallet Contract'. Give it a name, select the main account owner, and choose 'Multisignature Wallet Contract'. You will run across something like this appear:

"This is a articulation business relationship controlled by X owners. You tin send up to X ether per twenty-four hours. Any transaction over that daily limit requires the confirmation of 10 owners."

Set whatever amount of owners (accounts) you lot are attaching to this multisig wallet, whatever you want for a daily withdrawal limit (that only requires one account to withdrawal that amount), and how many owners (accounts) are required to corroborate any withdrawal corporeality over the daily limit.

Now add together the addresses of the accounts that you copied / pasted into your text editor earlier, confirm all your settings are correct, and click 'Create' at the lesser. You volition then need to enter your password to ship the transaction. In the 'Wallet Contracts' section it should show your new wallet, and say 'creating'.

When wallet cosmos is complete, you should see your contract accost on the screen. Select the entire accost, copy / paste it into a new text file in your text editor, and salvage the text file to your desktop as 'Ethereum-Wallet-Address.txt', or whatsoever you desire to name it.

Now all you demand to do is fill-in the 'Ethereum-Wallet-Address.txt' file the aforementioned way you backed upwardly your account files, and so you are set to load your new multisig wallet with ETH using this address.

If you are restoring from fill-in, simply re-create the files inside the 'Ethereum-keystore-backup' binder over into the 'keystore' folder mentioned in the kickoff department of this walkthrough. FYI, you may need to create the 'keystore' binder if it's a brand new install of Mist on a machine it was never installed on before (the first time you lot create an account is when this folder is created). As for restoring a multisig wallet, instead of choosing 'Multisignature Wallet Contract' like we did earlier when creating it, we only choose 'Import Wallet' instead.


  • Mist won't sync. One solution that works well is syncing your PC hardware clock with an NTP server so the time is exactly correct...then reboot.
  • Mist starts after syncing, but is a bare white screen. Chances are you are running the "xorg" video drivers on a Linux-based OS (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc). Try installing the manufacturer's video driver instead.
  • "Incorrect countersign" observe. This seems to be a imitation discover on occasion on electric current Mist versions. Restart Mist and the problem should go away (if you indeed entered the right password).

Using Eth¶

Every options related to key management available using geth tin be used the same way in eth.

Below are "account" related options:

> eth account list  // List all keys available in wallet. > eth account new   // Create a new cardinal and add it to the wallet. > eth account update [<uuid>|<address> , ... ]  // Decrypt and re-encrypt given keys. > eth account import [<uuid>|<file>|<secret-hex>] // Import keys from given source and place in wallet.            

Below are "wallet" related option:

> eth wallet import <file> //Import a presale wallet.            


the 'account import' option can only be used to import generic central file. the 'wallet import' option can only be used to import a presale wallet.

It is as well possible to access keys management from the integrated console (using the built-in console or geth attach):

> web3.personal {       listAccounts: [],       getListAccounts: function(callback),       lockAccount: role(),       newAccount: office(),       unlockAccount: role() }            

Using EthKey (deprecated)¶

Ethkey is a CLI tool of the C++ implementation that allows you to interact with the Ethereum wallet. With it you tin list, audit, create, delete and change keys and inspect, create and sign transactions.

We will assume you have non even so run a client such as eth or anything in the Aleth series of clients. If you have, yous can skip this section. To create a wallet, run ethkey with the createwallet control:

Please enter a Main passphrase to protect your primal shop (make it strong!): Yous'll exist asked for a "master" passphrase. This protects your privacy and acts as a default password for any keys. You lot'll need to confirm it by entering the same text once more.


Use a stiff randomly generated password.

Nosotros can list the keys inside the wallet simply by using the list control:

> ethkey list  No keys found.            

We haven't yet created any keys, and it'due south telling us so! Let'south create i.

To create a key, we apply the new command. To use it we must laissez passer a proper name - this is the name nosotros'll give to this account in the wallet. Let'southward phone call it "exam":

Enter a passphrase with which to secure this business relationship (or nothing to utilize the primary passphrase). It will prompt yous to enter a passphrase to protect this primal. If you lot just press enter, information technology'll use the default "principal" passphrase. Typically this means you won't need to enter the passphrase for the key when you want to use the account (since it remembers the main passphrase). In general, you lot should try to use a unlike passphrase for each key since it prevents 1 compromised passphrase from giving access to other accounts. All the same, out of convenience you might decide that for low-security accounts to use the same passphrase.

Here, let's give it the incredibly imaginative passphrase of 123. (Never e'er use elementary passwords similar this for anything else than ephemeral exam accounts). Once you enter a passphrase, it'll ask you lot to confirm it by entering over again. Enter 123 a 2nd time. Considering you lot gave information technology its own passphrase, information technology'll also ask yous to provide a hint for this password which will exist displayed to you whenever it asks you to enter information technology. The hint is stored in the wallet and is itself protected past the chief passphrase. Enter the truly atrocious hint of 321 backwards.

> ethkey new exam  Enter a passphrase with which to secure this account (or nothing to employ the primary passphrase): Please confirm the passphrase by entering information technology over again: Enter a hint to help y'all remember this passphrase: 321 backwards Created fundamental 055dde03-47ff-dded-8950-0fe39b1fa101   Name: test   Countersign hint: 321 backwards   ICAP: XE472EVKU3CGMJF2YQ0J9RO1Y90BC0LDFZ   Raw hex: 0092e965928626f8880629cec353d3fd7ca5974f            

All normal (aka direct) ICAP addresses brainstorm with XE and so you should be able to recognize them easily. Notice as well that the cardinal has another identifier afterwards Created key. This is known as the UUID. This is a unique identifier for the key that has absolutely nothing to exercise with the business relationship itself. Knowing information technology does cipher to help an attacker discover who you lot are on the network. It also happens to be the filename for the cardinal, which yous can notice in either ~/.web3/keys (Mac or Linux) or $HOME/AppData/Web3/keys (Windows). Now permit's make sure it worked properly past listing the keys in the wallet:

> ethkey list 055dde03-47ff-dded-8950-0fe39b1fa101 0092e965… XE472EVKU3CGMJF2YQ0J9RO1Y90BC0LDFZ  exam            

It reports ane key on each line (for a full of one key hither). In this case our key is stored in a file 055dde... and has an ICAP address beginning XE472EVK.... Not especially piece of cake things to call up then rather helpful that it has its proper name, examination, too.

Importing your presale wallet¶

Using Mist Ethereum wallet¶

Importing your presale wallet using the GUI Mist Ethereum wallet is very piece of cake. In fact, yous will be asked if you want to import your presale wallet during the installation of the app.


Mist wallet is beta software. Beware and utilize it at your own risk.

Instructions for installing the Mist Ethereum wallet are given in the section Creating an account: Using Mist Ethereum wallet.

Simply drag-and-drib your .json presale wallet file into the designated expanse and enter your password to import your presale account.


If you cull not to import your presale wallet during installation of the app, you can import it at any time by selecting the Accounts menu in the app's carte du jour bar and then selecting Import Pre-sale Accounts .


The Mist wallet is nonetheless in agile development, so details of the steps outlined higher up may change with upgrades.

Using geth¶

If you accept a standalone installation of geth, importing your presale wallet is achieved by executing the following command in a concluding:

geth wallet import /path/to/my/presale-wallet.json            

You will be prompted to enter your password.

Updating an account¶

You are able to upgrade your keyfile to the latest keyfile format and/or upgrade your keyfile password.

Using geth¶

You can update an existing account on the command line with the update subcommand with the business relationship accost or index as parameter. Call up that the account index reflects the order of creation (lexicographic society of keyfile names containing the creation fourth dimension).

geth account update b0047c606f3af7392e073ed13253f8f4710b08b6            


For example:

$ geth account update a94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b  Unlocking account a94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b | Attempt ane/iii Passphrase: 0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b account 'a94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b' unlocked. Please give a new password. Do non forget this password. Passphrase: Repeat Passphrase: 0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b            

The account is saved in the newest version in encrypted format, you are prompted for a passphrase to unlock the business relationship and another to save the updated file. This same command can be used to migrate an account of a deprecated format to the newest format or change the password for an account.

For non-interactive use the passphrase can be specified with the --password flag:

geth --countersign <passwordfile> account update a94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0bs            

Since simply i password tin be given, only format update can be performed, changing your countersign is just possible interactively.


account update has the side effect that the social club of your accounts may change. After a successful update, all previous formats/versions of that same primal will exist removed!

Backup and restore accounts¶

Manual backup/restore¶

You lot must have an business relationship'due south keyfile to be able to send any transaction from that account. Keyfiles are found in the keystore subdirectory of your Ethereum node'southward data directory. The default data directory locations are platform specific:

  • Windows: C:\Users\username\%appdata%\Roaming\Ethereum\keystore
  • Linux: ~/.ethereum/keystore
  • Mac: ~/Library/Ethereum/keystore

To backup your keyfiles (accounts), copy either the individual keyfiles within the keystore subdirectory or copy the entire keystore folder.

To restore your keyfiles (accounts), copy the keyfiles back into the keystore subdirectory, where they were originally.

Importing an unencrypted private key¶

Importing an unencrypted individual cardinal is supported past geth

geth account import /path/to/<keyfile>            

This command imports an unencrypted private key from the obviously text file <keyfile> and creates a new account and prints the address. The keyfile is assumed to contain an unencrypted private central as canonical EC raw bytes encoded into hex. The account is saved in encrypted format, you are prompted for a passphrase. You must remember this passphrase to unlock your business relationship in the hereafter.

An case where the data directory is specified. If the --datadir flag is not used, the new account will be created in the default data directory, i.e., the keyfile will be placed in the keystore subdirectory of the data directory.

$ geth --datadir /someOtherEthDataDir  business relationship import ./key.prv The new account will exist encrypted with a passphrase. Please enter a passphrase now. Passphrase: Repeat Passphrase: Address: {7f444580bfef4b9bc7e14eb7fb2a029336b07c9d}            

For not-interactive use the passphrase can be specified with the --password flag:

geth --countersign <passwordfile> business relationship import <keyfile>            


Since you can direct copy your encrypted accounts to another Ethereum case, this import/export mechanism is not needed when you transfer an account between nodes.


When you copy keys into an existing node'south keystore , the club of accounts you are used to may change. Therefore you make sure you either do not rely on the account club or double-check and update the indexes used in your scripts.

Att Backup and Sync Keeps Telling Me Seeing Up Account Please Try Again Later


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