Cs Cross South Shall Rise Again

Profile Image for Buford T America

  • Buford T America
  • 03-11-twenty

untold history

This book had some great data especially the black confederates. It's not most race as many today deem it to be. It'south part of this country history! Y'all need to get into this book every bit a "dry sponge" and take in history you may not know. A very dandy heed.

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Profile Image for John

  • John
  • 09-23-fourteen

Say what you want, Johnson does a great job

What did yous dearest best most The Politically Incorrect Guide to the South (and Why it Will Rise Once more)?

I was pleased to run across some very positive reviews from the North East on this championship, and very disappointed to run into the negative review from my home state of SC (almost likely from a West.J. Greenbacks fan). Stated, I purchased the book and enjoyed the first chapter immensely. Having grown up in the culture, Johnson nailed it downwards solid in that affiliate. Too, having to have spent a fair amount of time in NY and NJ, he also pegged the shared view that many of us who have had to practise business at that place, share. Regardless of where you at from in the earth, this is great book for understanding why true Southerners recollect the fashion they exercise. Deo Vindice forever and God save the South!

What other volume might y'all compare The Politically Incorrect Guide to the South (and Why it Will Ascension Again) to and why?

The S Was Right and some of the short essays from Dr. Hill's library on Golden Circle culture.

Which character – as performed past Dianna Dorman – was your favorite?

She'due south expert - a footling metered, but like shooting fish in a barrel to listen to and I enjoy her song style.

If y'all were to brand a picture of this volume, what would the tag line exist?

"The Lost Cause - that once was Lost, but now is Establish"

Whatever additional comments?

Vivid book - splendid

6 people plant this helpful

Profile Image for Richard Carrillo

  • Richard Carrillo
  • 06-04-21

big prevarication lives on.

sad. very deplorable. if a poor reader believes this hogwash... one is to believe that the sometime south was made america. that the old south was a pleasant time and place. nevermind slaves and the evil done. nevermind that southern conferate states constitutions stated slavery forever. the south could have ended slavery but chose to battle, dice for it. they got what they deserved equally God stood with the n, not with the south.

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Profile Image for Ed

  • Ed
  • 09-xxx-17

Tubby Bearded Guy reference earned an extra star

I take to exist careful when writing this review because Clint Johnson was a friend and classmate of mine at the University of Florida. Every bit a fan of mystery/thrillers I found this book a piffling hard to get through at times. But I did learn some interesting stuff. I didn't know Lincoln tried to recolonize slaves to other countries subsequently the war. I didn't know the Emancipation Proclamation primarily freed slaves only in Amalgamated States. I learned I can at present refer to Clint as a TBG (Tubby Disguised Guy) because he participates in Civil War reenactments. At times the book seemed somewhat anecdotal but knowing how tediously Clint researches his textile I feel confident that it is fact based. I got somewhat of an eerie feeling knowing that the ultra left has kicked up its attempt to rewrite history since this book was written a decade ago. Clint was very prescient in having a experience of what was to come in this surface area. I could have done without the 2 or three seemingly interminable listings of colleges and universities that were ranked highly and located in the South. Lists generally do not were well in audio books. I as well grew a bit weary of hearing well-nigh books and movies I'one thousand not supposed to read or lookout without actually knowing why. Presumably they cast the S in a more than positive light that y'all might expect (or the Due north in a less positive one). If I was a Southern history vitrify, this volume would have generated 5 stars. I final circumspection. A book you're not supposed to read: "The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Due south (and Why it Will Ascent Again), written past Clint Johnson, release date:01-11-07, Publisher: Blackstone Sound, Inc.

11 people establish this helpful

Profile Image for Willie Tucker

  • Willie Tucker
  • 05-28-21


The author conspicuously has resentment toward the Northward and is disillusioned regarding the South. awful book

four people found this helpful

Profile Image for Alicia King

  • Alicia King
  • 11-25-20

Could not make it pass the showtime two chapter

I'm non a fan how the book starts out. I thought it would accept more facts rather opinions on why the due south is and then great. I alive in the south I dearest the s and I hold that information technology is corking. However, statements should have more than facts to support them. Like I said I did not make it laissez passer the first two chapters. So many information technology gets amend but not for me.

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Profile Image for Tom Walczak

  • Tom Walczak
  • x-01-xx

Crawly data!

I've spent most of my 55 years in Western New York but I've always felt southern at center. I idea I knew the south and its history...I've learned and then much from this book that I now want a hard copy to refer to when I need information. open your mind and heed!

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Profile Image for Dr. B. Truett-Serrett

  • Dr. B. Truett-Serrett
  • 01-16-17

Real History

Not a agglomeration of lies like the school system teaches. Great information, and explanation of Southern Pride, and besides great caption of why the Confederate Flag.

iv people found this helpful

Profile Image for Anonymous User

  • Anonymous User
  • 09-27-20

I'm from the n

I'm from the due north and growing upwards learning about slavery in Massachusetts was a riot and I knew it wasn't right and then I did a fiddling searching and decided to look at some other betoken of view and got a lot of answers that were for the most part very similiar to what I thought. Great Book!

iii people found this helpful

Profile Image for Brian

  • Brian
  • 01-sixteen-21

Great Book

this book is a must for all lovers of TRUE AMERICAN HISTORY and wants to empathise the importance of the Due south to America

one person found this helpful


Source: https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Politically-Incorrect-Guide-to-the-South-and-Why-it-Will-Rise-Again-Audiobook/B002V01DI0

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