Pokemon Diamond Where to Go After 7th Gym

Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum Walkthrough:

  • Snowpoint City
  • Lake Acuity

City of Snow

Snowpoint City is a small, cold, snowy city. Besides trading a Haunter for a Medicham in the house at the north-western corner of the city, the only other point of interest is the Gym, where you'll battle through a bunch of Ice-type Pokemon for your seventh badge. Here we go!

Ice and Snow

The ground of this Gym is made of slippery ice with snowballs as obstacles. You'll have to slide long enough on the ice, gaining enough momentum, in order to break through the snow balls and reach the gym leader. If you don't gain enough momentum and hit a snow ball or slide onto a small patch of snow, you will stop moving.

It looks like a daunting task at first, and if you try to move around, it gets increasingly frustrating. However, keep your goal in sight; that is, you want to reach the Gym Leader, who can be reached if you go straight after going down the first set of steps. There are six snowballs blocking your path. Three of them are tightly packed on the lowest level (which I shall call level 4). Two are on the second lowest level (level 3), on either side of the three snowballs. The final snowball is behind all of the, on the third lowest/second highest level (level 2) So, let's crack these snowballs one by one, starting with the single snowball on level 3 (again, that's the second lowest level).

Once you enter the Gym, move forward on the iceless ground as far as you can, just before you touch any ice. Slide to the right, stopping at the snowball, and move up twice to the second snow patch. Slide left and you'll gain enough momentum to crush a snowball on level 3. Clearing this snowball up will give you more room to move around. Now, go onto the snow patch on level 1 by going up the bottom-left steps. You will be using the bottom-left steps every single time, so make sure you know what I'm referring to. It is also shown in the screenshot. Go up one snow patch, hit the wall on the left by taking one step, and slide up one patch. Slide right, and you'll eliminate the last row of the snowballs on level 4. Take the bottom-left steps up to level 1, go down and then right. You should be on the second patch. Slide up to get to the other end of the Gym, take a left, go down, and slide right to smash the level 3 snowball. Slide left and go up the bottom-left steps yet again. Go down one patch and slide to the third patch (one more patch to the right than previously), which is on the right side of the Gym. Slide up, left, and down to get to the patch on level 3. Slide right to smash yet another row. Do the same thing over, going up the bottom-left steps and sliding right; except this time, go another patch to the right (the second patch on the right side of the Gym). Now slide up, step left to the adjacent patch, down, and left to smash another row. Use the bottom-left steps yet again (by now, you should have noticed the pattern, although we're almost finished), but slide all the way up until you hit a snowball. Slide right to smash the final snowball on level 2. You're done! Now all you have to do is use the bottom-left steps to get back near the entrance and go straight for the Gym Leader!

Candice, the Gym Leader, uses a lv. 38 Snover, a lv. 38 Sneasel, a lv. 40 Medicham, and a lv. 42 Abomasnow. Defeating her earns you the Icicle Badge, which allows you to use Rock Climb outside of battle. She'll also give you TM72 - Avalanche. Now it's time to check out Lake Acuity.

Lake Acuity

Go back west onto Acuity Lakefront and enter into Lake Acuity. You'll find Rival and Commander Jupiter by the lake, finishing up a battle and putting each other down. Commander Jupiter leaves for Team Galactic's headquarters in Veilstone City. Rival leaves also. Surf to the north-east corner of the lake to pick up TM14 - Blizzard. Afterwards, fly over to Veilstone City.

Pokemon Diamond Where to Go After 7th Gym

Source: http://pokedream.com/games/diamondpearl/walkthrough/14-snowpoint.php

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